Tuesday, May 19, 2009



优莉,你说的东西是对的,东西还是要面对,我会面对下去。谢谢你,一直以来都在跟我说这些~ 芸,adryenne, 我会记得你们都在陪着我。等我回来,一起出来喝喝茶吧~(莉莉,你知道我也是在等着你~)

人就是酱,出到来,才知道一个人是会怎么个辛苦法,奇怪的是不知道为什么别人都觉得出国读书是一件很好玩的事。其实一点都不~ 离开家里,就为了自己以后的路,听起来好像很有大志(有点啦),但是,背后的辛苦只有自己才知道,家人也未必能体会,但是,这个就是学习的路。我以后一定会回来~因为我真的不喜欢布里斯本这个地方。

最近的我真的很想家,不用为了没有东西吃而烦恼,因为有妈妈的爱心食物,不用烦恼应该几点搭车,因为有老爸的车,不用花时间洗衣,因为有姑姑的手~至于我哥我姐?在这里就想回以前一起出去的时候咯~(我在这里,娱乐的时间应该近于等于“O” 吧~)


等下的我,得出去把该印的文件印出来,之后看下有没有时间去买日常用品,然后再去演习,直到晚上10点。。。各天又是一个漫长的一天。(上课,演习,准备食物,(午餐,晚餐 都要准备,不然消费很贵) ,功课,睡觉。。。。我每天活动就是酱吧~知道我回到大马为止。

家人朋友们。 非常期待与你们相聚! XOXO



  1. u must stay true to ur words, that is to stay strong! all of these unpleasantness n feelings of homesick will come to pass, n u will undergo a proses of metamorphosis that will see a stronger, independent n wiser ly vern.. don't regret ur decision, for it has opened ur eyes to things that could not be seen here, n taught u indispensable values in life.. for one, u've learned not to take things for granted, to appreciate n love ur family more..

    i think we become a much mature person when we're exposed to different people n things, helps u see things in a less narrow n myopic way, filling ur life with a vast collection of experiences n valuable knowledge, giving u more interesting stories to tell n gossip!

    so jia you ahh ly tan! don't get defeated so easily, be a fighter,a fearless warrior! i know u can do it, u've come this far! don't ever think that ur alone, we're all there for u, albeit not physically, but in spirit.. we'll be ur la la dui with the pom pom when u need it..my ear is always ready to listen to ur problems, if u need someone to talk to.

    ok la, getting a bit cheong hei already..will be welcoming u home with open arms n not to mention bags to put inside the souvenirs from brisbane.. hehehe kidding..

  2. Adryenne....Love you...ur right, I have learnt not to take things for granted here.(Even though i thought I didnt take things for granted when in M'sia.) yea....Have to stay strong~! just that mayb will be in emo sometimes? I need you as well! =)

    P/s : I'll be taking stuff back to malaysia. Dont worry about that. =D
